Sunday, January 20, 2013

Book of bliss | use appreciation and gratitude to fulfill your life's dreams

Book of bliss | use appreciation and gratitude to fulfill your life's dreams

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change your life in 10 minutes a day two years ago i published my first e-book book of bliss, a 12 week practice of appreciation. It was a small dream come true but i had overcome many obstacles. Mostly i ran into my own fears, my own (unconscious) resistance. In december 2009, i decided to work with a coach who would hold me accountable and so i worked with someone that i thought was to be trusted.

in a couple of months i had my e-book finished and self-published and sold it on clickbank. That's how my coach told me to do it (and did it also) so i figured it was a sound way. The fact that i was held accountable made me finish the story that i started as a first full draft in the summer of 2009 but never did anything with after that first draft.

my writing journey was one in which i stayed close to myself but i was blocked by fear of getting this book out. I wanted it on the one hand, but on the other hand i was so full of fear. I used the practice in my own e-book to overcome that what stopped me but i noticed i did practice it less and less.

so i was not using what i preached on this writing-project of mine. But why? before, i have used it faithfully with my partnership and created this wonderful life for the two of us. My practice brought me through the tough times; times that were hard, ugly even. But what we created is such a blessed union, such a safe, happy relationship to built from. I owe it to using my practice int the darkest of times. I am more detail

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