Saturday, January 26, 2013

Christian finn's facts about fitness

Christian finn's facts about fitness

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if you've landed on this page, it means that you want to lose fat and build muscle but you’re not quite sure about the best way to do it.

maybe you feel overwhelmed by all the conflicting advice about what to eat and how to exercise. Perhaps you've been eating right and training hard, but your results just aren’t living up to that picture you have in your mind of how you want to look.

or maybe you’ve fallen into the trap of just doing the same thing week in and week out, either because you’ve lost motivation or you’re not really sure what to do next.

first, i want you to imagine what would happen if you woke up tomorrow with the kind of body you've always dreamed of having...

visualize looking in the mirror and actually feeling good about the way you look. Picture yourself walking down the beach without worrying what other people think of you... And maybe even have them secretly admire the way you look.

think about wearing your favorite clothes any time you want and know you're looking your best... Hearing friends and family you haven't seen for months tell you how great you look... Walking into a crowded room and finally getting the kind of attention you deserve... Feeling the confidence and self-esteem that may have been missing for years come flooding back.

the benefits don't end there. Like it or not, people with a strong, lean body earn more money. They're more popular and attract members of the more detail

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