Saturday, March 9, 2013

How to change your eating habits

How to change your eating habits

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getting into shape is mostly down to exercising and not much else right? wrong i have completely transorm the shape of my body as well as my eating habits and i have managed to do this with permanent results.

since then i have been approached by many people asking me what i do to stay in shape. My answer has always been, "i eat healthy and exercise regularly", but it never seems to be enough of an answer. I have a feeling that many people believe there might be some sort of secret. I really do just eat healthy and exercise regularly.

you might be thinking to your self, "well that's obvious, it's just common sense." and you would be right to think that, but what actually stops people from getting in shape then, if it's just all common sense?

here are some of my personal concerns i had when i first decided to get back into shape. You might be able to relate to some of these: the good news is that there is no secret to any of these concerns. The whole process of eating healthy and getting in shape is very easy to understand. It really is

i have come to realise that common sense is not actually as common as we think it is. Changing our eating habits and exercising to get in shape to stay in shape is not complicated, it never has been and never will be. In fact it is the complete opposite.

the hardest part is getting started and then the next hurdle is staying motivated. It is these two things that stop a lot of people from more detail

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