Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Membership programs

Membership programs

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as a mother of three wonderful girls, i know what it s like to ignore your own health and fitness needs to tend to the needs of your children. After giving birth to my first daughter, i woke up one morning and realized my weight had gotten out of control. I weighed over 200 pounds and had little or no energy to play with my sweet baby girl.

i decided right then and there that it was time to make a change in the way i looked and felt. I began wasting thousands of dollars trying various popular weight loss and fitness programs that promised results, yet failed to deliver.it was frustrating, to say the least. I learned firsthand that the only way to truly get the results you want is to combine the proper exercises with an effective nutritious meal plan, positive mindset tools, and lots of support

just took my measurements and weighed myself at the end of week one and i'm kinda freaking out 4.8 lbs down and 4.75 gone is this for real?? i was so worried that i wasn't going to lose anything because i honestly never felt hungry once this whole week-on the contrary, more often than not i was completely full woo hoo logan
i became fed up knowing that there were more women and mothers who were just like me; spending too much time and money to either get no results at all, or even worse get fast results right away, only to gain all the weight back within months.

i created the leanmoms12-week soft to sculpted transformation program to share the truth about...read more detail

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