A3 nursing | affordable test prep
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our team of expert writers and educators has created the perfect alternative to the high-priced study materials circulating college bookstores. Don't pay for a brand name come see why we're your 1 choice for affordable exam prep and get dozens of free nursing practice questions
step one in our a3 process involves assessing your exam readiness right off the bat. You'll take the first of three practice tests designed to simulate the actual testing experience, and each of our practice tests mirror the content distribution of the official exam. In other words, each of our exams will look and feel like the official test, even if taken on the computer. This enables you to pace yourself, assess your weakest areas, and baseline your current performance.
based on your performance in step one, your next move is to study up on the questions and content areas that proved most difficult. You'll review step one's answer explanations and learn where any mistakes were made. Once you have a grasp on your weak areas, you'll want to study those areas again before attempting test two. Test two will have a whole new set of questions with the same formatting as test one so that you can once again acclimate yourself to the feel of the test.
the final step, while similar to the two before, is key to successful test prep. You'll now have two completed exams and a solid understanding of your weakest areas. With a little more independent study, you will achieve the results you desi...read more detail
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