Buy e-book | path to greatness - christian edition of the tao te ching
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order now and get free online access, included with your e-book download. Preview e-book this christian edition of the tao te ching is an 81-day journey into the limitless power of your spirit that will allow you to find true happiness and abundance. It reveals profound spiritual principles that, when put into practice, can set you on your own personal path to greatness: finding, orienting yourself toward and then following the flow of god s spirit in your life, trusting it to guide your actions and amplify your efforts so that you can achieve your best possible life.
featuring a text of the tao te ching that s infused with language from the bible to clarify themes common to both books, this volume also includes annotations to specific bible verses that will help you:
though often overlooked by the world at large, the subtle, powerful, and often paradoxical truths revealed in this volume will allow all readers christian and non-christian alike to find their own path to greatness.
this book is keith hoang s personal journey to the spiritual common ground between east and west an important quest for humanity and a worthy goal for all of us. Derek lin, author of tao te ching: annotated & explained
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