Assisted self publishing in cornwall with simonthescribe
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i am an independent publisher with extensive experience of media publishing - including books, ebooks, ezines and websites.
my first published book was macmillan s mastering desktop publishing over twelve years ago. I couldn't believe my luck when they published my book way back then. I couldn't believe my eyes when i read the contract to see they took 92% of the royalties. Fortunately i also got the contract to layout the book, which paid me more than writing it
since then i have founded simonthescribe in north cornwall, uk, with the intent of self-publishing well-designed and effective print and electronic media at affordable prices - and where i get to keep a lot more of my royalties.
and now i am happy to do the same for you. This is called assisted self-publishing . In effect i take your written and proofed text and turn it into a book for you, ordering the introductory matter, making contents lists, perfecting the layout, processing the files for print and making you a beautiful cover. This uses available print-on-demand services - which also gives you a download page on the internet where your customers can order your book - and where you can buy them at production price cost. I ask you for no royalties at all - simply the cost of producing your book for you.
as a single operative with relatively few overheads, who works from home, i can create effective published books, ebooks and websites for you in a range of media at very competitive more detail
I found out, that taking herbal treatment is the best to get rid of hpv as soon as i feel the symptoms of hpv is appearing, i took the healing process by contacting Dr onokun for natural treatment it works wonders, amazingly ever since I had the herbal treatment i have not feel these horrible disease anymore and my doc told me the virus is gone, i am glad i finally got cured out from this horrible disease. every hpv or herpes patients should also get in touch with this herbalist Dr to get ride of these disease forever his email address;
i was diagnose with human papillomavirus (HPV) and i met a doctor he told me there is no cure and i have be taking some medication the warts multiplied when trying to removed them and it got me embarrass and pains. luckily few weeks ago i was recommend to Dr. Onokun for a natural treatment after one week treatment i got 100% cure and all the wart disappeared. i sheared this post because its part of my life experience, encase anyone need speedy help about this cure email him at