Nopal cactus the 5 plus reasons | the nopal cactus doctor
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the five greatest health benefits of nopal 1 reason: nopal lowers ldl (bad) cholesterol and helps to prevent lipid peroxidation. 2 reason: nopal reduces blood sugar in people who have elevated blood sugars and type ii diabetes. 4 reason: nopal has cancer fighting properties. 5 reason: nopal enhances your immune system. Reduced symptoms of asthma and allergies the nutritional value of our food supply has diminished markedly since our grandparents and great-grandparents were children.
in 2002, the journal of the american medical association published an article recommending that all adults take supplementary vitamins to help prevent chronic disease.
do you know about the nopal cactus plant, commonly known as the prickly pear cactus? its health benefits are the subject of my book, nopal cactus the 5 plus reasons .
i am a family physician who has practiced medicine for nearly 25 years. I have been amazed by the clinical results that ensue when people consume vitamins and other quality nutritional supplements. Good nutrition, vitamins, super fruits, and other supplements are now becoming vogue. People are beginning to understand the old adage, you are what you eat over the years, i have seen dramatic changes in my patients lives when they start making good food choices, add some exercise, and add supplemental nutrients. I encourage my patients to practice prevention, and to make the necessary changes in their lives to stay healthy. Your health truly is more detail
I contracted hpv from my ex partner we broke up the relationship about four years ago, I has been on treatment for some years, I had lot pains and embarrassment for been hpv patient last two month i did hpv research online and found website for natural treatment to get ride of my infection, and i went through the site and recommend me to Dr onokun I contacted Dr onokun through his website and been his patient after one month I got cured. I want everyone living with hpv to get this treatment and got cured Dr onokun have the cure to every virus. his email;